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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - frame n.


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Frame n.

frame n.
1) framework, shell, form, skeleton, support, chassis, framing, structure, fabric, scaffolding, construction: We made a frame of sticks over which the canvas was stretched. 2) border, casing, case-mounting, mount, edge, edging; setting: This picture would look best in a gold frame. 3) system, form, pattern, scheme, schema, plan, order, organization, framework, structure, construct, construction, arrangement, blueprint, design, layout, composition, context, make-up, configuration: The proposed new department does not fit into the present frame of the company. 4) physique, build, bone structure, body, skeleton, figure: He has an unusually large frame for a dancer. 5 frame of mind. mood, humour, state, condition, attitude, bent, disposition: I am not in the right frame of mind to put up with your nonsense at the moment. --v. 6) construct, build, put together, assemble, set up, put up, erect, raise, elevate: We framed the entire house in two days. 7) make, fashion, form, mould, carve out, forge, originate, create, devise, compose, formulate, put together, conceive, draw up, draft, shape, block out, give form or shape to; contrive: The founding fathers met to frame a new constitution. 8) enclose, box (in) ; set off: I like the way you've framed that painting. 9) set up, incriminate (fraudulently) , trap, entrap: Did Dr Crippen kill his wife or was he framed? FRANK adj. 1) open, free, candid, direct, outspoken, unreserved, uninhibited, honest, sincere, genuine, truthful, plain-spoken, forthright, downright, explicit, unrestrained, unchecked, unconstrained, unrestricted, unabashed: I asked for a frank appraisal of my work and, unfortunately, he gave it. 2) candid, na‹ve, guileless, artless, ingenuous, innocent, (open and) above-board, on the up and up, Colloq upfront, on the level: The boy's description of the events was completely frank.
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